Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Climate Change "debate" Woodbridge and Campbell-Savona

Video conferencing brought students who normally sit thousands of miles apart in their classrooms, together, during the NYSCATE conference 2012. An audience from across New York watched the young people present their opinions over a "live" video connection.

At 1.45pm (GMT) / 8.45am (EST)
the cross Atlantic debate over climate change began. A-level Biology students from Woodbridge High School in Redbridge listened carefully as their New York peers at Campbell- Savona High School gave their views on why they thought climate change was a naturally occurring phenomenon. 

Woodbridge students had an opposing view - they had evidence that suggested climate change was anthropogenic. The students aged 17 -18 expressed their views based on research they had done during class time and had prepared arguments for and against.

Support and expert guidance was given by Professor, Peter Plumley, Exhibits Project Manager, Museum of Science & Technology and Research Associate Professor ,Syracuse University, NY during the debate. Prof. Plumley agreed with the views held by the students at Woodbridge High. Alternative energy sources ( in particular solar energy ) and deforestation was discussed as the students looked at recommendations for the top actions to be taken at local, national and international levels.
The debate concluded with students from the US and UK agreeing that there needed to be a change in attitude from the next generation so the "world" could collaborate together to lower carbon dioxide emissions. All countries needed to work together to achieve this.

The students from Woodbridge High  School in the London Borough of Redbridge can be pictured above with their Biology teacher and Head of Science, Mrs C.Tew  and school librarian Mrs M. Clarke ( far left of picture ).  Well done Woodbridge High you held a strong argument.


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