Friday, 16 November 2012

Learning about the Paralympic Legacy from the Experts

Pupils from Loxford School, Oaks Park High School, Ilford County High School, Chadwell Heath Academy, and Woodbridge High School across the London Borough of Redbridge were able to meet Team GB Paralympians Susie Rodgers, Ali Jawad and 2012 US Swimming Coach Queenie Nicols live via video conference (VC) yesterday to celebrate and learn more about the Paralympic Legacy.


Thousands of pupils watched the live stream over the internet while hundreds more pupils in Redbridge and New York state connected together through VC via Janet VC services and Monroe #1 BOCES who povided a sercure and interoperable connection for all the schools to link up.
Susie and Ali pictured on the left here sat at Loxford School in Redbridge while Queenie joined the conference from New York State  (pictured in top right corner of image above). The 2012 Paralympians were able to answer questions, inspire and help the young people learn more about their sports, training schedules, diets, work and coping with their everyday lives.

Susie held up one of her three bronze medals to the camera to be shown thousands of miles across the Atlantic.  Susie who currently works for the British Council in the Language Assistant Team quoted: This is my first video conference and its great that so many people can be connected all over the world at the same time, it makes learning about each others culture, and experiences so much easier.

Ali Jawad is currently studying Sports Science at UEL, said that "connecting in real time with good quality video and sound made it really enjoyable for answering questions from pupils it felt as though they were not really thousands miles apart but in the same room"

Louise Kanolik, Extended Schools Manager, at Loxford school quotes: the video conference gave an opportunity for young people to communicate not only to other young people from the local area but around the world. There would be no other way to have done this. I believe this is the way forward - young people connecting through a live video link and learning from experts and each other!

Click here to watch the speech sent from our Minister for Schools and Families, Edward Timpson (MP) .

We would like to give special thanks to and the Field of Applied Sport and Exercise Sciences at University of East London.

1 comment:

  1. Doreen Pietrantoni16 November 2012 at 14:20

    Exciting connection! New York enjoyed connecting with London Borough of Redbridge and Ali and Susie.
