Thursday, 29 November 2012

Scargill Infant School win National VC Award

Scargill Infant School in the London Borough of Havering have won a Janet Video conferencing Award for the "Best Demonstration of Cost Saving".

The judges quoted: SIS were recognised for their varied video conferencing programme, which demonstrated significant cost savings. Scargill Infant School has embraced video conferencing and been able to enhance learning across a variety of year groups and subjects. Video conferencing has offered the school scope to enhance learning in more subjects when trips out would have been limited by budget. They have saved over £3000 in coach hire, administration and teacher costs with just 5 visits to UK museums alone! That equates to 648 of mileage saved and 26 hours of travel time.
Click on the video below to learn more about Scargill Infants VC journey.
“At Scargill Infant School we can link hands with children across the world to improve our understanding of others and their lives. We can share our learning with other children which supports our ability to work together in the future. Through video conferencing this can be achieved at no cost.”Kath Keeper, Head Teacher 

SIS have travelled three times around the equator in just 12 months through using VC- click here to read more.
The image above shows children from SIS proudly holding their trophy and certificate awarded by Janet(UK) pictured with (from the left ), teacher Miss A. Bignold, ICT technician Mrs A. Tyler and Head Teacher, Mrs K. Keeper.
Well done Scragill Infant School we are all very proud of your National accomplishment.

This award is a "hat-trick" for the London Borough of Havering, who have now won three National awards for the use of VC in their schools in three consecutive years.  Well done Havering School Improvement Services.

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