Sunday, 20 February 2011

VC Tip of the Week

JVCS ( Janet VC services) booking servce allows schools and educational establishments across the UK to connect to each other and all over the world. You must first register your VC equipment onto JVCS.
Click here to go to JVCS booking

You can use JVCS booking to:
1. Link up to more than one venue at a time -you can book a multipont VC
2. Book a VC with a museum or other content provider
3. Book a VC with a school abroad
4. Book a VC for a user wanting to use a webcam and JVCS desktop
5. Book a QA test - to see if your VC equipment is functioning at its optimum
6. You can call a help desk, and support is offered 8am - 8pm Mon - Fri & Sat 8am -5pm
Click below to watch a video created by Clockhouse Primary on how to make a simple booking to another school.

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