Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Primary School uses VC to save time and money for CPD

Engayne Primary School in the London Borough of Havering has saved over £4500 in just 1 year in CPD costs ( travel and supply cover)  alone by using video conferencing technology.  The annual ROI (Return on Investment -as a cost saving) has been calculated at 30% (see table1) based on 11 planned meetings throughout the year to Nottingham University which took place via video link.

Engayne Primary has been using VC for over 3 years and it is clear that it has made huge savings for the school  already, including saving over 2700 travel miles annually and 66 hours of teaching time per year in school saved for the staff members involved.

As a lead school for London in the National Outstanding Primary Schools’ SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) programme, Engayne working with Nottingham University and 5 other regional representatives from Yorkshire, Midlands, the NE, NW and SW, have been able to support the work of SCITT in their regions. The Management board meetings. and Lead mentor meetings occur face to face as well as via video, in order to maintain the benefits that personal contact brings.

Suzanne Ship, Head teacher at Engayne says “The SCITT initially bid for the VC equipment as part of the course 3 years ago and all 6 Head Reps from the different regions over England meet three times a year using VC.  The use of this technology means I can be in my school for the meetings and not have to travel or stay overnight in a hotel. Without VC it would have made projects and meetings with the SCITT programme much more difficult for us all.  It is not only the financial benefits of VC that make this technology value for money; time is very precious to any Head Teacher and using VC saves me 48 hours a year ( approx 6 school days) – which I can spend with my pupils and staff.”

Table 1 – Showing ROI (cost saving) calculation for Engayne Primary School(Sept 2010 – July 2011)

252 miles
return travel to Nottingham
return rail fare @ £161
  (peak travel)

Hotel cost (average £60 per night)

time for
return travel @ 6 hours
cover fee
@ average
£180 per day
x3 a year
 *Head Reps
18 hours
(200 x 3)=
x3 a year
**Lead Mentor
18 hours
x5 a year
***HT Project meeting
30 hours
(200 x 5)=

x11 a year
2772 miles
66 hrs

Total savings (travel, hotel and supply cover)
= £4571.00

Total investment (average cost of VC hardware) = £3500.00
Annual cost saving ROI = 1071/3500 x 100 = 30%

*Head representative meeting. 3 face to face , 3 via VC. 6 Head teachers from NE, NW, SW, Midlands, Yorkshire and London represented by Engayne Primary.

**Lead mentor meeting, 3 face to face , 3 via VC. 6 Lead Mentors from NE, NW, SW, Midlands, Yorkshire and London represented by Engayne Primary.

***Head Teacher Project meeting. One meeting per month ( for 5 months) to plan Bangalore visit .

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