Sunday, 12 July 2015

Connecting our Public Services to the Wider Community

Metropolitan Police Officers, PCSO Alan Winston and his colleague from the Redbridge schools safer unit, connected with over eight primary schools across the LB of Redbridge on July 7th. The aim of the video conference was to connect the Met Police securely via video link to multiple schools to inform Year 6 parents on safeguarding their children whilst online at home.

The focus was for year 6 parents to learn more about what they could do to protect their children at home while they use the internet as they move from primary onto secondary school. Over 100 parents took part in total over the three half hour conferences held from Uphall Primary School.

PCSO Alan Winston was able to share a power point presentation and had created a top tips handout for parents.  Both the handout and presentation were received with much appreciation from the parents who had attended the sessions at their child's school.
Using this secure high definition conferencing technology through JISC to connect schools to the wider community has shown great benefits already.

Quote from parent, " this was the first time I have taken part in a video conference with the police in this way, I thought it was good to see and hear from so many other parents from other schools with similar concerns for their child's safety online. The police working with the schools is a great idea and I found the session very informative. I also liked talking to the police about local issues that may effect my child outside the school environment. They helped me understand better how I could report issues and help keep my child safe at home when using the internet".

Deputy HT, Jespy Barker, Uphall Primary School and PCSO Alan Winston

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