Monday, 10 January 2011

Engayne Primary School, Havering

Stephanie Homewood ( ICT Co-odinator) and Headteacher Suzanne Ship proudly hold certificate and trophy.

National Award winners for the JVCS Primary School award 2010 for use in Video conferencing.  Well done Engayne Primary. You are an inspiration to us all.

Heather Hadfield ( SEGfL)- one of the judges explains why Engayne won this National Award:

"The judges thought that Engayne Primary School was the only school in the awards that showed development in using the videoconferencing across the school environment.  Although they had been videoconferencing for only 2 years they had focused on three main activities using videoconferencing in their school. They were:
            Collaborative enhanced learning through links with museums, other schools and taking part in larger regional/national events.
            Continuing professional development of staff
            Management (Head teacher using it for SCITT meetings, saving both time and money in travel)
They also explained their plans for this year and this impressed the judges through the variety of activities they were engaging in and how they were looking forward. Their development of a VC Guide to support all their teachers and plans for videoconferencing in every classroom shows how all the whole school is embracing the technology. Their plans included supporting local schools as well as a national schools council group". 


  1. Well done Engayne! Good on you's.

  2. Great job Engayne!! Implementing a trendy solution like Video Conferencing Software has proved as the best investment any sector can make to have a better collaboration and to increase the best reach to other end. Your school has proved it.
