Thursday, 19 October 2023

Black History Month with Chris Lubbe

On October 10th over 600 pupils from primary schools across the UK, with over 30 classrooms connected, over the course of the day. The children were able to ask questions and listen to Chris Lubbe (former body guard of Nelson Mandela) share his life experiences growing up during the aparthied era in South Africa. Chris spoke about forgiveness and peace.  

Later in the afternoon students from high schools in the USA, UK, Poland and Taiwan aged 16-18yrs took part in a global debate to discuss what they could do to challenge racism in their countries. Chris gave advice to the young people as he heard their heart felt presentations  "Fear of the unknown leads to racism," said Chris, " do not be afraid of people who do not look like you, " Make a new friend with someone outside of your immediate friend circle".

We would like to thank DTEN for allowing us the opportunity to use your D7X 55" All-in-One device, and for sponsoring this event during Black History Month.  Thank you very much indeed. 


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