Thursday, 15 October 2020

Climate Crisis Awareness - Megaconference 2021

Global Video Conferencing for Education Group, is seeking presentations for

"Climate Crisis Awareness - Megaconference 2021"

which has been scheduled for February 4th 2021



A) Presentations should be geared to audiences in the 10-15 age range

B) ideally sessions should be of approximately 35-50 minute duration

C) Presentations to be focused on any combination of a) how did we get to this point? b) what are the consequences now? c) what can we do to solve the crisis?

D) Presentations can be done by anyone(s) of any age - could be a) a single professional, b)a classroom group, c)a class-to-class collaboration of same age group students, d)a class-to-class collaboration of differing age groups

E) Presentations could be musical, theatrical, presentation slide based, etc, etc.

F) multiple sites presenting is fine

G) With appreciation to Zoom, the Zoom webinar platform will be used for delivery of, and audience connection to, the presentations/projects.



a) Once presentations are set, we'll promote them as a webinar that is also streamed for broad audience viewing

b) René Carver will serve as primary moderator, involvement by others in this capacity, including youth, is welcome.

c) René Carver will handle test calls.  Involvement by others in this capacity, including youth, is welcome.


Interested in being a featured presenter for "Climate Crisis Awareness - Megaconference 2021"?

Primary person responsible for doing/managing the proposed presentation should please fill in this google form - - or email René Carver,, with the following:

1) name

2) email address

3) primary physical location of presenter(s),

4) desired presentation time on February 4th 2021 - including whether or not scheduling flexibility exists - please use to provide your GMT time equivalent

4) brief summary of the intended presentation, including how it will address C) above and its anticipated duration

5) dynamics of who the presenter(s) will be

6) acceptance that the event will be recorded and live streamed to facebook or youtube

Please submit your proposal to us via the link above!


Thank you for engaging with this all important effort!

René Carver

for VCfGL and GVCEG

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