Wednesday, 10 February 2016

SID 2016 - We Shared our Hearts

During Safer Internet Day 2016 -  pupils from over 20 schools in Redbridge connected securely via video conference through the JISC network to discuss safety on the Internet with their local PC and PCSO officers. The pupils from primary and secondary schools met to discuss issues and concerns they had about using the Internet at home with the Met Police Officers. PC Kim Ghakal and PCSO Alan Winston talked about their jobs and about the importance of staying safe online. 

The young digital leaders and school council members who took part throughout the day had prepared presentations for each other and received feedback about online safety from the police officers who were the experts on the matter.  The pupils were also able to share their hearts which were designed especially for SID2016 with each other.

PC Kim Ghakal quotes in her share a heart for SID 2016, " I love the Internet because it allows me to connect through video conference to lots of schools at the same time and speak to the students in a safe.and secure environment"

What a great way to celebrate, how effective the Internet can be, when schools can share, learn and collaborate together with their peers and experts in this way.

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