The head teacher at Highlands,Kulvarn Atwal, quotes:
Video conferencing is now embedded across the curriculum at Highlands Primary and has become a normal classroom activity for all.
In the last 18 months we have connected over 32 times with content providers and other schools. For example The British Museum, The National Archives, for School Council Meetings, meeting authors and show and share work with local schools.
Just through connecting with Museums nationally we have travelled nearly two thousand virtual miles.
Video conferencing has not only saved money for my school and time for my teaching staff but most importantly it has enriched the primary curriculum and brought new opportunities for our pupils; ones which they might never have had.
The table below shows how time and costs have been calculated.
Janet Content Provider
Return mileage
Approx. Coach hire
For 30 pupils
Return Travel time
*Teacher admin cost
Pre visit
Teacher cost due to wasted travel time
@£180 per day
| |
Year 5 -The National Archives
Richmond – 3 sessions
62 x3 = 186
£330 x3= 990
4 hours x3
£90 x3 = 270
Chris Lubbe, Hampshire – 1 session
4 hours
Year 6 – The National Archives – 3 sessions
62 x 3 = 186
£330 x3 = 990
4 hours x3
£90 x3 = 270
Year 2 – Metlearn, Somerset – 3 sessions
360 x 3 =1080
£330 x3= 990
6 hours x 3
£180 x 3 =540
Year, 4,5, 6 British Museum, London x9
21 x 9 =189
£330 x 9 = 2970
1 hour x 9
£90 x 9 =810
Year 2 Museum of London - 2 sessions
20 x 2 =40
£330 x 2 = 660
1 hour x 2
£90 x 2 = 180
Total VC sessions =21
1881 miles
57 hours
Total savings (coach, teacher pre -visit cost, teacher travel cost) =
*Teacher admin cost = ½ day prep – site visit, pre visit prep for pupils
½ day team meeting – risk assessment, planning meeting.
Click on the image below to watch the video of the staff and pupils at Highlands as they talk about video conferencing with Janet content providers.
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