Monday, 17 March 2014

Learning Spanish to Celebrate Multilingual Month

Jorge Pozo Soriano (Foreign Language Assistant for Spanish), at Oaks Park High School in the London Borough of Redbridge taught year 5 and 6 pupils from local Primary schools how to speak some basic Spanish words and sentences during Multilingual month. The lesson took place via live video conference connecting five primary schools to OPHS. It not only allowed the pupils to learn how to pronounce Spanish words from a Spanish native but they asked Jorge about what it was like living in Spain. So the pupils were able to learn about the Spanish culture also.

Jorge quotes, "I really enjoyed teaching using VC during multilingual month because I got the chance of connecting with a lot of pupils, see how they handle the Spanish language. I was able to connect with all the students in a fast and easy way due to using the VC which was a great help, I would not have been able to manage this without the VC. I'm sure that new technologies will be something essential in schools more so in the years to come, so having that experience has been wonderful and I would love to grow and expand my teaching using VC as I think it can be a key tool in education and school".

Pupils from Redbridge Primary, Highlands Primary, Manford Primary, Nightingale Primary and Fairlop Primary school all joined in with learning how to greet, welcome and say goodbye in Spanish. They sang a song with Jorge and were able to learn phrases and practice their speaking and listening in another language.  What a great way for six local schools to collaborate together and celebrate multilingual month!

Click here to read about Jorges` blog


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