Sunday, 19 January 2014

UK Education AV User Group

About Education AV User Group

The Education AV User Group has been established to enable (end users) schools and colleges to provide and receive feedback from hardware and software manufacturers about their latest products and services. In return the education sector will aim to shape and influence the technologies for their future.

The initial pilot meeting will be held at the National Space Centre, Leicester on March 13th 2014 from 10 am – 5pm. The agenda can be found below.

We have an allocation for only 50 attendees.

How to Register
Please register with us via email, if you work at a school or college as a technician or network manager or part of the senior management team (SMT) in charge of technical budgets.

By applying to be a member you may be selected to attend the full day event on March 13th 2014, at the National Space Centre, Leicester from 10am – 5pm. The Education AV User group will be able to pay for travel and overnight accommodation if required.

Please can you fill in the information below and send it by reply to Owen Ellis at

1)      Name

2)      Contact Email

3)      School or College Name

4)      Job title

5)      School / College  postal address

By completing the information above before January 24th 2014. you are confirming you can attend the meeting on March 13th .There are limited places available for our initial meeting on March 13th so please do not be too disappointed if you are not selected on this occasion. We will hopefully contact you for our future meetings. 

Please see below for the draft agenda for the meeting on March 13th:



20 minute presentation  / 10 minute Q&A

Coffee / Tea



Speed presentation 1

10am – 10.30am


Speed presentation 2

10.30 – 11am


Speed presentation 3

11 – 11.30am


Speed presentation 4

11.30 – 12pm


Lunch and networking

12– 1.30pm


Case study

1.30 – 2pm

Janet(Uk) case study

Speed presentation 5

2- 2.30pm


Speed presentation 6

2.30 -3.00pm


Speed presentation 7

3 – 3.30 pm



3.30 – 5pm


We look forward to hearing from you.  If you have any questions about the event please email Mina Patel at or call 07402 137 310.


Advisory Board (UK Education AV User Group)
Dave Smith (HSIS):  Gary Jelks (Schools IT Unit, Redbridge LA): Shirley Wood (Janet UK): Phil Moore (CEO YHGfL): Mark Burden (WVN):  Alex Rees( Pipers Corner School )

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