Monday 25 November 2013

Gearies Primary School use VC to Improve Children`s Language Skills Gearies Primary School, in the London Borough of Redbridge have been using video conferencing to improve children's speaking and listening skills.
They have been partnering with a primary school in France, Ecole Jean Lurçat through a secure and interoperable connection using AVer ClassHD and the Janet Booking Service.

Stephanie Marlin, Class teacher of CE1 / CE2 ( 7 and 8 years olds), at Ecole Jean Lurçat, quotes, "The major benefit of video conferencing is that my pupils know why they learn english. They realise that they need it to communicate with their "english friends". They also hear natives which is very good for the accent. It's also a way to discover another culture and differences between England and France. 
In terms of the technology, VC corresponds to the way of communication of this generation".

Val Barker, ICT co-ordinator at Gearies, who has been leading the project at her school connecting with France regularly (at least once a month) for over a year now has said,  "Our Key stage one children have learnt about French locations, names, hobbies, subjects all through video conferencing.  My children have developed confidence and the enthusiasm to speak and listen to other children sitting hundreds of miles away in another classroom. What a great reason for them to learn about another culture and language".

Here is what Year 2 children at Gearies thought about their VC to France.
"We learnt about different places in France, they showed us the pictures and we coloured them in"
"I like learning about different countries and places"
"I like seeing the other children on the screen showing the pictures to us and I liked showing my picture to them"

Benefits to the Primary Curriculum:

English KS1
EN1,Speaking and listening: during key stage 1 pupils learn to speak clearly, thinking about the needs of their listeners. They work in small groups and as a class, joining in discussions and making relevant points. They also learn how to listen carefully to what other people are saying, so that they can remember the main points. They learn to use language in imaginative ways and express their ideas and feelings when working in role and in drama activities.

Modern Foreign Languages - KS1
Understanding and using the foreign language
2. Pupils can be taught about other countries and cultures by:
a. working with authentic materials including some from ICT-based sources
b. considering their own culture and comparing it with others
c. considering the experiences of other people.

Geography - KS1
Geographical enquiry and skills
Knowledge and understanding of places

What Gearies Primary did to connect to France:

The school wanted to video conference using a secure high quality video link, one that they could use regularly and reliably to connect with schools, locally, nationally and internationally.  The solution had to meet safeguarding regulations and offer high quality audio and video for speaking and listening.

1. They used an affordable VC codec (for the cost of only 3 ipads) the AVer ClassHD
2. With installation support from Aver and their local Council School's IT unit. The school installed the hardware onto their network.
3. With support from VCfL the school registered with Janet VC services and booked conferences to France via an IP conection on the JVCS booking system.
4. The teachers planned 30 minute interactive presentations on different topics. Click here for 66 lessons to carry out via VC.
5. Gearies Primary plan to VC regularly, once a week to France.

What your school needs to connect securely to another country via video conference:

1. VC hardware - affordable, secure and providing a high quality, reliable connection.
see. AVer ClassHD
2. A broadband connection that supports VC - see DfE guidelines here
3. Registration on JVCS
4. Contact VCfL if you are looking for a partner school in France
5. 66 lessons to carry out via Video conference with your partner school.


  1. Video conference definitely helps in better voice communication. Various technologies like RHUB, WebEx, GoMeetNow, gotomeeting, etc. are used for conducting a video conference.

  2. Thanks for this blog

  3. English is one of the most important languages in the world. It can even be said to be the single most important language.Other languages are important too

    english conjunction
