Wednesday, 18 September 2013

School becomes Content Provider

Redbridge Primary School in NE London, provided content sessions via live video link for Key Stage 1 - PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Geography . This opportunity was given to schools across the UK via the Janet VC booking system through a secure video link during the summer term 2013.  Children from schools in Devon and local schools from Redbridge participated in the conference.

A group of 13 children who have been attending the lunch time Tamil Club at Redbridge Primary School shared information about the Tamil culture, traditional clothes, special foods and festivals.  The young presenters were aged between five and nine years old.

The children enjoyed dressing up in beautiful traditional clothes.  The girls donned a sari or a  full skirt and blouse whilst the boys showed off a  Chudidaar and verti. 
They talked about delicious traditional food.  There was Dosa with sambar and chutney, Idly, Eddyuppam and Pongal which is a sweet rice dish. The children were able to show examples of these foods to their peers in Devon.

This was followed by an unique opportunity to listen to the story of the Hungry Caterpillar in English and Tamil.  The pupils in the participating schools asked a variety of questions about the Tamil culture and about Sri Lanka.

This VC session provided real life speaking and listening opportunities for all children who took part.  The children learnt to project their voices, remember the sequences of events, work collaboratively with children of different ages, who were sitting hundreds of miles away, from different cultures and speak confidently in front of them. Most of all, the children enjoyed learning together and from each other.

What better way to learn about a culture than from your peers!

1 comment:

  1. Its very good idea and posibility to earn new experiences for children :)
