Leaders in the use of VC from the education sector across the world talked about the ways they were using VC with their schools to save money and time.

Minna Helynen, Educational Developer and Trainer, City of Tampere, Finland talked about how 12 schools in Tampere saved 1000 Euros through professional development courses organised from her centre via VC.
Dave Smith, ICT Adviser for Havering School Improvement Services followed Finland, by talking about how one of the many schools in his borough had saved £3500 in 5 months through making virtual visits to museums.
Tim Boundy, Applications Development Team Manager at JANET (UK) showed examples of various UK content opportunties available to schools and the JVCS booking system all available for free to registered UK educational establishments.

Mike Sylofski Managing Coordinator - E-Learning Services (NERIC) and Larry Gallery, Membership Development &K-12 Program Manager NYSERNET in New York both talked about projects they have been working on through partnering their schools with the UK and about the future impact VC will have for NYS.
Many thanks to Aver Info (UK) for the use of their HD VC hardware and technical support and also to the team at EMAP (organisers of the BETT show).
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