Tuesday, 22 March 2011

VC Tip of the Week

Guidance for proprietary web based VC systems

Have you considered the following 5 points before you install "free" web based VC systems onto school networks?

1.    Encrypted tunnelling:
a) Third party malicious software can be installed within school network
b) Lowers firewall security
2.    Cannot do multipoint conferences using “free versions”
3.    It is not H323 compatible – unable to connect with other VC endpoints
4.    You cannot be certain that the person you are calling with an account is a teacher/pupil from an educational establishment.
5.    Once installed on individual computers for pupil access, this will mean there will be no trace of misuse
Click here to read the archived JVCS report

For alternative webcam based options that can be used on school networks click here


  1. Mina I will check out JVCS desktop. Thanks
    Su - St Thomas More

  2. Do I register with JVCS first? Just emailed you about this. Thanks so much about your advice above.
    Sam , WH School
